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Rules & Regulations

Application process

1. Applications will NOT be accepted in person. Please DO NOT MAIL or hand-deliver the application to Hickory High School.

2. Applications will not be processed unless full payment has been received and the application has been submitted. 

3. Each vendor will be invoiced through Cheddar Up for the total payment of the booth space and pre-ordered lunch if requested. 

4. Payment by check will be accepted but not preferred. If you choose to pay by check, please mail check to HBPA, PO Box 15287, Chesapeake, VA 23328. Make check payable to HBPA. If your check is returned, you will be required to pay the cost of the returned check along with your booth fee by money order. Your  booth will NOT be held until full payment is received.

5. Payment should be received within 48 hours of receiving an invoice.

6. There will be NO REFUNDS issued 30 days prior to the show.

7. Booth assignments will be emailed 2 weeks prior to the date of the show.

8. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request for booth location. Applications are

accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Booth locations are NOT guaranteed and will be assigned based on factors determined by the craft fair committee.


Check-In/Check-out policies

1. Vendor set up will be on the day of the event starting at 7:00am. There will be NO set-up the night before the event.

2. All vendors will need to be set-up by 8:45am. Any vendors not present and set-up by 8:45am will forfeit their booth and it will be opened up to be rented. There will be NO REFUNDS or EXCEPTIONS! “No shows” will not be considered for future shows.

3. All vendors MUST check-in either at the front entrance or rear entrance near the cafeteria prior to going to your booth. Vendors WILL NOT be permitted into the school until 7:00am.

4. There will be students and parents available to help vendors bring in items and take them back out to your car after the show.

5. All vendors must remain set-up until 4:00pm. Any vendors that pack up before this time will not be considered for future shows.

6. Vendors may park near the front entrance during unloading. All vendors must move their cars to the parking lot once unloading is complete or no later than 8:45am. If your car is not moved by this time, it may be subject to towing.


Vendor booth policies

1. Booth spaces are 13x5.

2. Vendors must not extend beyond their allotted space. Please be kind to your neighbors and

respect their space.

3. Displays may not block the view of another vendor’s space.

4. Vendors may bring their own tables/displays but they must remain in their allotted space. Any

violation of this will be grounds for dismissal from the show.

5. Electricity is available in select booths. Vendors MUST share outlets and will be required to bring

extension cords and power strips as needed for electricity. The HBPA or the school WILL NOT

provide extension cords.

6. There will be NO REFUNDS for the cost of electricity. There will be NO electricity available for

vendors the day of the event unless the vendor has pre-paid and been assigned a booth with


7. Vendors are responsible for ensuring that their space is cleaned, and all trash has been disposed

of in the trash receptacle before leaving.

8. Vendors are not permitted to leave their booth to pass out information or solicit sales.

9. No more than two vendors may share a booth space. If sharing a booth space, both vendors

names and craft must be listed on the application.

10. Spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. We make every effort to place vendors

in requested areas but do not guarantee it.

11. Vendors are not permitted to nail, tape or mount anything to the walls.

12. Each vendor is responsible for making sure that there is someone at your booth at all times.

Craft fair volunteers will be available for short intervals if needed.

13. All craft items must be in good taste and appropriate for a public school craft show.

14. Collection, reporting and payment of applicable sales tax is the responsibility of the vendor.

15. There will be no smoking, pets or alcoholic beverages permitted on school property.


Door Prize Policies

1. Each vendor is required to donate one item for the door prize raffle. All proceeds go to benefit the Hickory Band Program.

2. Raffle tickets will be sold by the marching band students from 9:00am to 3:00pm for $1 each or 5 for $3. There will be 10 winners posted every half hour.

3. The door prize winners will draw booth numbers and will then visit that booth to pick up door prize. PLEASE do not turn them away as this will only reflect negatively on the vendor! Vendors who do not donate an item will not be invited back.

4. A door prize item tag will be provided to each vendor at check-in.


Lunch orders/Concessions

  1. The HBPA will offer the option of a pre-ordered lunch from our Concessions Committee, to include, but not limited to, our famous Hawk Burger, and a water for the vendors.

  2. The lunch order form and payment will need to be received at least 30 DAYS PRIOR to the show.

  3. There will be no lunch orders or payment taken the day of the show.

  4. Pre-ordered lunches will be delivered between 11:30am-12:30pm.

  5. There will be concessions available during the show for shoppers and vendors.

Managed by the Hickory Craft Fair committee 2015

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